Kickstart Your Biz: Tips for Starting Your Business

5 steps to get your business off the ground

Hey UpFlipers,

Thinking about starting a business can either get you excited or mentally crush you.

When you hear "start your own business," do you get all fired up with creative ideas, or does a wave of anxiety hit as you think about the endless admin tasks?

Here’s the deal: Thanks to the internet, turning your idea into a reality has never been easier or cheaper. The internet allows us to approach business from a creative perspective instead of an administrative one. Seriously, barriers are practically nonexistent. 

It's a legacy way of thinking that you have to have all your ducks in a row to test an idea (product or service) and jump in with both feet from the beginning.

You don’t need to aim for the next billion-dollar tech company or slave over a 200-page business plan to raise millions of dollars.

Sure, some folks do it that way, but let’s be honest…it’s a quick way to get overwhelmed and lose steam before you even get going. Overcomplicating things can crush your motivation.

Today in 5 minutes or less, you’ll learn:

☞ How to take the first step toward starting your own business

☞ How to market yourself and your business

☞ Why you don’t need 90% of the things you think you need

☞ How to build something while still working your 9-5 job

Step 1: Business Idea

Pick a problem you've faced. Maybe it’s a product you wished existed or a service you’ve needed. The best ideas often come from personal experiences.

Leverage Your Personal Experience

A lot of entrepreneurs didn't just start from scratch; they leveraged their skills and knowledge from previous jobs or hobbies. Think about your background — what are you good at? What industry experience do you have? This can be a goldmine for business ideas.

Example: If you've worked in customer service for years, you might have noticed common pain points that customers face. You could create a product or service that addresses these issues directly.

Think Small, Dream Big

The solution doesn’t have to solve a global issue — it just needs to solve your problem first. Think small. What’s the best-case scenario if you had this solution? 

Would it:

  • Save you time?

  • Make your day less stressful or frustrating?

  • Make you more money?

Start with a solution that would make a real difference in your daily life, and you're likely to find others who feel the same way.

Do Your Homework

Once you have an idea, do some preliminary research. You can start with simple tools like Google Trends to see if there's interest in your idea. How many people are searching for something similar? Or what’s a new version of your idea that jumps out at you? Just type in relevant keywords and check if the interest is growing or declining.

Example: If you’re thinking of starting a custom sign-making business, go to Google Trends and search for terms like "custom sign making" or "sign making near me." Look at the data to see if there's a steady or increasing interest in these keywords.

That little bit of extra work goes a long way. Tap into an opportunity that’s at the crossroads of something you’re passionate about and something you know how to do. 

Quick sidenote: Inside of our UpFlip Academy, we have a vault of about 500+ business ideas…and we have extensive data (on revenue, average startup cost, etc.) — all the details you need to figure out if the idea is for you. 

Step 2: Marketing

The most important aspect of growing your business is marketing. It can be a bit scary in the beginning, but whether it’s through social media or knocking on your neighbor’s door, you’ve got to let people know about your business.

Your goal is to get a handful of early customers. This builds momentum and validates your idea for something (potentially) bigger. Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to reach out. Share your journey, post regularly, and engage with your audience to build a community around your idea.

Here are some simple ways to get your marketing engine off the ground:

Reach out to family and friends:

Use your inner circle as your foundation to get started and get the word out.

Example: Send a personal message explaining what your product or service is, why it’s awesome, and how they can help. Something like, “Hey [Friend's Name], I just launched [your product] and I think it could really help you with [specific problem]. Would you be interested in trying it out and giving me some feedback?”

Utilize the power of social media:

Get on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn and create engaging posts about your journey, product updates, and behind-the-scenes content. Use stories and live videos to connect with your audience.

Example: Share a post about the problem your product solves and ask your followers to share their experiences with similar issues. “Ever struggled with [specific problem]? I created [your product] to make life easier. Check it out and let me know what you think! Tag a friend who might need this, too.”

Offer Free Trials or Discounts:

Attract early adopters: People love free stuff. Offer a limited-time free trial or a discount for your first customers.

Example: “For the first 10 people to sign up, I’m offering a 50% discount on [your product]. Don’t miss out!”

Join Online Communities and Forums:

Find groups where your potential customers hang out. Participate in discussions, offer value, and introduce your product when relevant.

Example: If you’re selling a productivity tool, join a productivity subreddit or Facebook group. Contribute to discussions and share your product as a helpful solution, not a sales pitch.

Remember the famous Wayne Gretzky quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Step 3: Survey Your Customers

Once you have had a few customers, reach out to them and ask them questions. Identify their most common pain points. Use trial and error to find your marketing angle.

Talk to early customers to understand what drew them to your solution. What are their struggles? Send out surveys or personal emails to gather more information. This feedback will help you refine your product and messaging, making it more appealing to a wider audience.

You may come to realize that you’re solving a completely different problem and you might find a much bigger audience once you collect enough feedback. 

This is how you build your “customer avatar,” AKA your ideal customer, which will help you find new (similar) customers in the future. You know the angle, you know what the pain points are, and you have the answer before your customer can ask the question. 

Step 4: The Things You Don’t Need to Start

Don’t get bogged down by thinking you need everything in place before starting. No fancy office, no expensive software, no employees — just focus on the basics.

A simple website, a few social media accounts, and a lot of hustle can take you far. Keep your overhead low and reinvest your profits into growing your business. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection.

Maybe you’re starting a blue-collar business — get the bare minimum tools that you need in order to get your first job. Then level up from there.

Step 5: Building While You Work

You don’t need to quit your 9-to-5 job to start your first business. Create time outside of work to build your business on the side.

Spend a couple of hours a week working on Version 1 of your product or service. Start talking to potential customers — this could be friends, family, or online communities. Balancing your job and startup might be tough, but it's a smart way to minimize financial risk while you grow your new venture.

Remember the saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? It’s true. Keep your day job until your side hustle is ready to take flight.

Now, we’ve got something for you… 

The UpFlip Academy is live! It’s designed to fast-track your business growth. UpFlip is offering a 10-day trial period for anyone ready to take their business to the next level.

It’s a fantastic chance to network with experienced entrepreneurs, surround yourself with like-minded people, and build lasting relationships.

Wrapping It Up

Thanks for hanging out with us today. Remember, starting a business is about taking that first step and keeping things simple. You don’t need to have it all figured out from the start. Just get going!

One step at a time.

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P.S. Got a minute? Check out our latest blog posts and YouTube videos for more tips and inspiration.

  • How to Build a Recession-Proof Business

  • Top 10 Free Tools for Startups

  • Watch: Young Entrepreneurs Share Their Success Stories

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“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

— Arthur Ashe

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